Simple Word2Vec using SVD

2018, Jun 14    

In this i am discussing about creating word vectors using SVD and co-occurrence matrix. For doing this used data base of amazon fine food reviews data set, downloded from kaggle. Cleaned the data and after that took top 5000 top tfidf words because of time taken to calculate co-occurrence matrix is high. Created co-occurrence matrix as below

def cooccurrence_matrix(list_words,distance,sentances):
    Returns co-occurrence matrix of words with in a distance of occurrrence
    list_words: list of words to get the co-occurrance matrix in order
    distance: distance between words
    sentances: documets to check ( a list )
    co-occurance matrix in te order of list_words order
    #length of matrix needed
    l = len(list_words)
    #creating a zero matrix
    com = np.zeros((l,l))
    #creating word and index dict
    dict_idx = {v:i for i,v in enumerate(list_words)}
    for sentence in sentances:
        tokens= sentence.split()
        for pos,token in enumerate(tokens):
            #if eord is in required words
            if token in list_words:
                #start index to check any other word occure or not
                #end index
                for pos2 in range(start,end):
                    #if same position
                    if pos2==pos:
                    # if same word
                    if token == tokens[pos2]:
                    #if word found is in required words
                    if tokens[pos2] in list_words:
                        #index of word parent
                        row = dict_idx[token]
                        #index of occurance word
                        col = dict_idx[tokens[pos2]]
                        #adding value to that index
                        com[row,col] = com[row,col] + 1
    return com

So co-occurrence matrix is (n x n) matrix where n is no of words. it gives how frequent those words exists in a given distance. performed Tuncated SVD on the co-occurrence matrix and selected no of components/dimensions using variance explained and for my data selected as 200 dimensions. Now i have 200 dimension vector for each word. and converted into dict as below.

#word 2 vectors dict
W2V_200d = {}
j = 0
for i in Words:
    W2V_200d[i] = svd_out[j]
    j = j + 1

We have 200 dimension vectors for each word and checked similary of vectors using cosine similarity like below.

def top_similar_words(v,Wordvectors,n,list_words):
	Gives output angles between one vector(v1) and all other vectors as matrix(v2)
	v shape (d,1)
	Wordvectors shape (m,d)
	n - no of similarities needed
	list_words - list of all words in Wordvectors in same order
	list of n words which are similar
	v1 = np.array(v)
	v1 = v1.reshape(-1,1)
	v2 = np.array(Wordvectors)
	#dot product
	nr =,v1)
	#vector lengths 2-norm
	dr = (np.linalg.norm(v1)*np.linalg.norm(v2,axis=1)).reshape(-1,1)
	# angle i.e cosine inverse and domine for cosine inverse is
	# [-1,1] so clipping to [-1,1] and claculating angle
	ang = np.arccos(np.clip(nr/dr,-1,1))
	ang = ang.ravel()
	#sorting and getting index of top n
	ang_10 = np.argsort(ang)[0:n+1]
	ang_n = np.delete(ang_10,0)
	dict_tfidf = {i:v for i,v in enumerate(list_words)}
	return [dict_tfidf[i] for i in ang_n]

found similar words like below For ‘Good’ got top 10 as (‘enjoy’, ‘enjoying’, ‘fantastic’, ‘amazing’, ‘fabulous’, ‘nice’, ‘delicious’, ‘incredible’, ‘outstanding’, ‘perk’)
For ‘sep’ - (‘dec’, ‘aug’, ‘august’, ‘november’, ‘sept’, ‘february’, ‘expired’, ‘expiry’, ‘exp’, ‘expiration’)
For ‘yum’ - (‘yummy’, ‘delish’, ‘awesome’, ‘org’, ‘everybody’, ‘addictive’, ‘wow’, ‘amazing’, ‘addicted’)
For ‘gin’ - (‘cocktail’, ‘cola’, ‘fizzy’, ‘clot’, ‘kinda’, ‘ting’, ‘cytoma’, ‘sour’, ‘rootbeer’, ‘soda’)