Foundations to inference Statistics
Basics of inference statistics, sampling distributions, Bootstrapping, Confidence Intervals
- Sampling Distribution
- Central Limit Theorem:
- Z- Distribution or standard normal distribution:
- Confidence level
- Student's t-distribution:
- Confidence Interval for Population Mean:
- How to predict CI parameters other than mean
- Bootstrapping:
- CI using Bootstrapping:
- When to use what?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import rcParams
# figure size in inches
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 11.7,8.27
Steps for the sampling distribution
- Get
random samples each of sizem
- Calculate the sample statistic for each random sample.
- plot the sample statistics distribution
random_population = np.random.beta(4, 5, size=1000)
random_sample_population = np.random.choice(random_population, 400, False) #
sns.distplot(random_sample_population, hist=True, kde=True, color='red', norm_hist=True, label="Population Dist")
print('random population Mean -->', np.mean(random_sample_population))
print('random population SD -->', np.std(random_sample_population))
no_of_samples = 5000
sample_size = 50
def get_sampling_dist(population, no_of_samples, sample_size, stat):
population - random sample population we have
- array or list
no_of_samples - number of samples (n)
sample_size - size of each sample.(m)
stat - sample stat to calculate.
- Function
sampling_dist = []
for i in range(no_of_samples): ## n samples
sample = np.random.choice(population, sample_size, False) # each of size m
stat_val = stat(sample) #calculating stat
return sampling_dist
sampling_dist_mean = get_sampling_dist(random_sample_population, no_of_samples, sample_size, np.mean)
##ploting the sampling distribution.
sns.distplot(sampling_dist_mean, hist=True, kde=True, color='red', norm_hist=True, label="Sampling dist of mean")
plt.title('Sampling Dist of Mean')
plt.xlabel('sample means')
print('Sampling Dist Mean -->', np.mean(sampling_dist_mean))
print('Sampling Dist SD -->', np.std(sampling_dist_mean))
- We can do the above sampling distribution for any statistic value.
- If we observe the above means, sampling dist mean(x_bar) is nearly equal to the population mean(mu)
- We will call std of sampling dist as
standard error
Central Limit Theorem:
The distribution of sample means is nearly normal with mean = poluation mean, std = population_std/sqrt(sample_size).
\begin{align} \text{Sampling Dist ~} N( \mu, \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{\text{sample size}}}) \\ \end{align}
- Sampled observations must be independent.
- If we do sampling with replacement, the sample size must be less than 10% of the population.
- The sample size of 30 is sufficient for most distributions. However, strongly skewed distributions can require larger sample sizes.
Need for Confidence Interval
There will be variability in the point estimate because we can't get the exact population data in real-time. so if we tell a range of mean(any stat), it will be useful. This is called a Confidence Interval. Before going into CI, we have to know Z and t distribution, confidence level.
standard_normal = np.random.standard_normal(size=100000)
sns.distplot(standard_normal, hist=True, kde=True, color='red', norm_hist=True)
Confidence level
The probability that the value of a parameter falls within a specified range of values. This will be very useful when we tell an interval. We can tell like, with 95% confidence, our statistic/parameter lies between lower bound and upper bound.
Let's calculate confidence levels for the above z distribution.
For 95% confidence, (100-95)/2 = 2.5
, we have to get the 2.5
percentile and (100-2.5)=97.5
np.percentile(standard_normal, [2.5, 97.5])
Our z scores lie between -1.95 and 1.95 with 95% confidence. based on above simulation( right value is 1.96, if we take more size, we will get 1.96) We can get this using (100-C)/2, 100-((100-c)/2) where C = 95 if we need 95% of confidence.
We can get these using the scipy.stats.norm.ppf
function but in this function takes all the values with 0-1 only not 0-100 so 95% will become 0.95.
We can get this using (1-C)/2, 1-((1-c)/2) where C = 0.95 if we need 95% of confidence.
from scipy.stats import norm
def get_qnorm(CL):
'''get the value in zdist for given CL
CL - Confidence level(0-1)'''
val = (1-CL)/2
return norm.ppf(val), norm.ppf(1-val)
##99 confidence level
##64 confidence level
Student's t-distribution:
It is useful when population std is unknown. If the sample size is small, we may not get better results with the Z distribution. It is similar to the Z distribution bell-shaped curve but thicker tails than normal. Other than mean, std, it has another parameter called degree of freedom
= n-1.
It is wider so intervals that we get from t-dist are also wider.
from scipy.stats import t
def get_qnorm_t(CL, df):
'''get the value in t-dist for given CL
CL - Confidence level(0-1)'''
val = (1-CL)/2
return t.ppf(val, df), t.ppf(1-val, df)
get_qnorm_t(0.95, 29)
for i in range(0, 1000, 50):
print('95% of CL with df '+str(i)+' is -->',get_qnorm_t(0.95, i))
get_qnorm_t(0.95, 50)
for i in range(0, 1000, 50):
print('90% of CL with df '+str(i)+' is -->',get_qnorm_t(0.90, i))
print('90% of CL in Z-dist is -->', get_qnorm(0.90))
From above, we can observe that, if df is large value( i.e n is large), t-distribution will yield similar results as z distribution.
Confidence Interval for Population Mean:
Why we need CI:
There will be variability in the point estimate because we can't get the exact population data in real-time. so if we tell a range of mean, it will be useful.
From the above CLT theorem, we know that sampling means follows a Normal distribution. we also know the properties of standard normal distribution like 68-95-99.7 rules( even we can compute for any value) i.e we can tell with 68% confidence that, mean is between mean-1*std_sampling_dist
, mean+1*std_sampling_dist
\begin{align} \text{CI of Mean =} \mu \pm z^{*} * SE\\ \text{CI of Mean =} \mu \pm t^{*} * SE\\ \end{align}
from scipy.stats import norm
def get_ci_mean(sampling_mean, SE, ci):
'''Get CI for mean using z-dist
sampling_mean - sample mean
SE - Standard error from CLT
CI - Confidence level'''
z_temp = (1-(ci/100))/2
z = abs(norm.ppf(z_temp))
lower_bound = sampling_mean - z * SE
upper_bound = sampling_mean + z * SE
return lower_bound, upper_bound
n5_ci = get_ci_mean(np.mean(sampling_dist_mean), np.std(sampling_dist_mean), 95)
print('95% CI is', n5_ci)
from scipy.stats import t
def get_ci_mean_t(sampling_mean, SE, ci, df):
'''Get CI for mean using t-dist
sampling_mean - sample mean
SE - Standard error from CLT
CI - Confidence level
df - degrees of freedom, (n-1)'''
t_temp = (1-(ci/100))/2
t_val = abs(t.ppf(t_temp, df))
lower_bound = sampling_mean - t_val * SE
upper_bound = sampling_mean + t_val * SE
return lower_bound, upper_bound
n5_ci_t = get_ci_mean_t(np.mean(sampling_dist_mean), np.std(sampling_dist_mean), 95, sample_size-1)
print('95% CI is using t', n5_ci_t)
How to predict CI parameters other than mean
We know about sampling mean distribution so we can CI of mean very easily but how can we predict for median or percentile or IQR?
There is another set of methods to do stats called Non-Parametric methods. We can use the non-parametric methods and get the CI for any value without knowing the underlying distribution.
Bootstrap Sample is Sampling with replacement of data of same size as shown below
Why same size?
the variation of the statistic will depend on the size of the sample. If we want to approximate this variation we need to use resamples of the same size.
Using Python
We can use np.random.choice
to get the bootstrap samples.
###code to generate a Bootstrap sample
temp_population = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
print('Random Bootstrap sample from temp_population -->',
np.random.choice(temp_population, size=len(temp_population),replace=True))
print('Random Bootstrap sample from temp_population -->',
np.random.choice(temp_population, size=len(temp_population),replace=True))
print('Random Bootstrap sample from temp_population -->',
np.random.choice(temp_population, size=len(temp_population),replace=True))
CI using Bootstrapping:
There are many ways to calculate bootstrap samples.
- Percentile Method
- Basic bootstrap Method or Reverse Percentile Interval
- Studentized-t Bootstrap Method
- Bias Corrected and accelerated
Some notations:
$\tilde{\theta}_{m}$ - statistic of Bootstrap sample m
$\hat{\theta}$ - statistic of data we have.
$\theta$ - statistic what we want to estimate.
def get_percentile_bs_ci(data, m, stat, cl):
percentile method to get BS-CI
data - data we have(sample)
m - number of bootstrap samples
stat - statistic to find - a function
cl - confidence level
theta_stat = []
for i in range(m):
bs_sample = np.random.choice(data, m)
sns.distplot(theta_stat, hist=True, kde=True, color='red', norm_hist=True)
lower_bound = (1-cl)/2
upper_bound = 1-lower_bound
return np.percentile(theta_stat, [lower_bound*100, upper_bound*100])
##using above function to get bootstrap CI
get_percentile_bs_ci(random_sample_population, 10000, np.mean, 0.95)
We can ge the same thing from arch
from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap
bs = IIDBootstrap(random_sample_population)
bs.conf_int(func=np.mean, reps=10000, method='percentile', size=0.95)
Basic Bootstrap Method or Reverse Percentile Interval Method:
- calculate the statistic $\hat{\theta}$ on data we have.
- Get the m bootstrap samples.
- calculate the m statistics $\tilde{\theta}_{1}, \tilde{\theta}_{1}, \tilde{\theta}_{3} ... \tilde{\theta}_{m}$
- Calculate the CI with above formula.
Note: It assumes distribution of $\hat{\theta}-\tilde{\theta}$ and $\theta-\hat{\theta}$ are simialr</b>
def get_basic_bs_ci(data, m, stat, cl):
Reverse Percentile Interval Method
data- sample we have
m - number of bootstrap samples
stat - stat function to calculate
cl - confidence level
hat_theta = stat(data)
theta_stat = []
for i in range(m):
bs_sample = np.random.choice(data, m)
#sns.distplot(theta_stat, hist=True, kde=True, color='red', norm_hist=True)
lower_bound = (1-cl)/2
upper_bound = 1-lower_bound
lower_bound1 = 2*hat_theta - np.percentile(theta_stat, upper_bound*100)
upper_bound1 = 2*hat_theta - np.percentile(theta_stat, lower_bound*100)
return lower_bound1, upper_bound1
get_basic_bs_ci(random_sample_population, 1000, np.mean, 0.95)
You can get the more optimized code from arch.bootstrap
from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap
bs = IIDBootstrap(random_sample_population)
bs.conf_int(func=np.mean, reps=10000, method='basic', size=0.95)
Studentized-t Bootstrap Method:
If the distributions of $\hat{\theta}-\tilde{\theta}$ and $\theta-\hat{\theta}$ are not close, then the basic bootstrap confidence interval can be inaccurate. But even in this case, the distributions of $\frac{\hat{\theta}-\tilde{\theta}}{SE(\tilde{\theta})}$ and $\frac{\theta-\hat{\theta}}{SE({\hat{\theta}})}$ could be close. hence we could use studentized bootstrap CI.
- calculate the statistic $\hat{\theta}$ on data we have.
- Get the m bootstrap samples.
- For each Bootstrap sample
- compute the $\tilde{\theta}$
- compute $SE({\tilde{\theta}})$
- compute $q = \frac{\tilde{\theta}-\hat{\theta}}{SE(\tilde{\theta})}$
- Estimate $SE(\hat{\theta})$ (You can directly compute or use another Bootstrap approach.)
- Calculate CI using above formulation.
from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap
bs = IIDBootstrap(random_sample_population)
bs.conf_int(func=np.mean, reps=1000, method='studentized', size=0.95)
Bias Corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI:
The main advantage to the BCa interval is that it corrects for bias and skewness in the distribution of bootstrap estimates. The BCa interval requires that you estimate two parameters. The bias-correction parameter, z0, is related to the proportion of bootstrap estimates that are less than the observed statistic. The acceleration parameter, a, is proportional to the skewness of the bootstrap distribution
To compute a BCa confidence interval, you estimate z0 and a and use them to adjust the endpoints of the percentile confidence interval (CI). If the bootstrap distribution is positively skewed, the CI is adjusted to the right. If the bootstrap distribution is negatively skewed, the CI is adjusted to the left.
If the statistic is biased upward (that is, if it tends to be too large), the BCa bias correction moves the endpoints to the left. If the bootstrap distribution is skewed to the right, the BCa incorporates a correction to move the endpoints even farther to the right.
You can read more about calculating z0 and a in
from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap
bs = IIDBootstrap(random_sample_population)
bs.conf_int(func=np.mean, reps=1000, method='bca', size=0.95)
When to use what?
- If we have small sample size, basic methods like "basic", "percentile" may give wider intervels so 'BCa' or 'Studentized-t' may be better. If you have skewness, go for 'BCa'.
- If we have large data, all methods may give better intervals but if we have skewness, it is better to go for 'BCa'.
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